Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Summed up in one word: PRIVILEGE!

I know this is usually nearly impossible to do, but with this trip, I can sum it up in one word: "privileged."
Align Center
I was privileged:
  • to be the assistant team leader of an amazing missionary/professor/pastor. Del Gray (or as he was addressed by all Indians, Reverend Dr. Del Gray Sir) has not only been influential in the classroom for me, but through this trip, he gave me a lot more insight into missions and how to handle different situations/issues, especially sticky and controversial ones.
  • to co-lead such an amazing team of students. Like I've mentioned before, both Del and I were excited about leading this group, and we found out why! It was such an inspiring team of Tabor students. They stepped up, blended in, pushed through tiredness, but most of all, they loved people. They loved each other in the team, and loved the Indian people they interacted with.
  • to meet and connect with Indian MB leaders and churches. I was anticipating and excited about these opportunities, and they were huge surreal moments as I interacted and connected with my brothers and sisters in Christ in India. Celebrating our MB 150th celebration with the MB Conference of India was probably one of those highlights. And I look forward to seeing some of them in Vancouver in July for Celebration 2010.

As we were in India, I couldn't help but also continue to reflect, process and apply my TREK experience. And again, the word privilege comes to mind. I feel amazingly privileged to have been able to travel to both Japan and India and have had the opportunities to interact with MB's there.

As we were visiting a small village church in India, I was having a conversation with a young Indian woman who told me that I was very blessed with the opportunities to travel. It was then that it became very real to me that I was truly blessed beyond belief with just the simple fact that I was in India and I had people that fully supported me to be there. I also realized that the call to missions is a huge privilege.
Privilege to walk as Jesus walked.
See as Jesus saw.
Touch as Jesus touched.
Pray as Jesus prayed.
Heal as Jesus healed.
Travel as Jesus traveled.
But most importantly...
Love as Jesus loved.

Walking the streets of India and experiencing a culture that is very much like the culture in which Jesus lived, opened my eyes to a lot of new things. Our last night in India, Del and I decided to have our team wash each others feet in obedience to Christ's example. It was a very different washing of the feet for me. I've participated in a number of washing of the feet moments, but none like this one. Our feet were dirty and filthy and we definitely felt like we were like the disciples and did not want anyone touching these nasty things. But it was such a surreal moment to put ourselves in the biblical context and really experience what it was like.

Christ modeled sacrificial and unconditional love for us, and I was able to see, experience and model after that in India. So thank you. Thank you for coming alongside me through prayer and/or financial support. Our team had many conversations about how we definitely felt that people were praying for us back home. So thank you.

Now I am back at Tabor for my final semester. It is a bittersweet realization, but I covet your prayers through these next few months. Tabor has been a place where I have seen and met Christ in life changing, challenging and ruining ways. I am ruined for His kingdom's purpose, so please continue to pray that he continually ruins my life! :)

In Christ Love,

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