Friday, January 29, 2010

We're back!

After much difficulty with trying to fly back home, we made it back Thursday evening.

I am still processing through things and trying to get over jet-lag. And so consequently, I will wait to give a thorough post until tomorrow or the day after.

But THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your prayers! We definitely saw the power of it during this trip. Here are some pictures that will preface my next post. :)

(Below) Worship dancing with village people at our first village church visit.

(Below) A huge poster the MB Conference of India had made for the 150th Birth Celebration of the MB's. It shows where all the MB's have gone/are present.

(Right) This is Becky, Kayla, Me, and Logan in front of the Missionary Bungalow at MBCBC where we spent our first week and a half.

(Below) This is the Missionary Bungalow.

(Bel0w) This is a bit of what our meals looked like everyday: Rice, some type of Curry dish, dal (spicy fried lentil soup that was used to mix in with the rice), chapati (a type of Indian bread that was very similar to a tortilla), chutney (which was a type of curd that looked a bit like yogurt and cottage cheese but had a bit more bitter flavor), and then finish it off with a banana and then some tea or coffee. Mmmm. :)

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