Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sooner than I thought....

Ok, so I waited behind for two of our guys who went last for the internet.....and thought, "Hey, I can actually blog!" :)

There is quite a bit that has happened.......but God really working some awesome team unity and connecting with our Indian brothers and sisters in Christ here at MBCBC (Mennonite Brethren Centenary Bible College) in Shamshabad sums it up well.

We have seen and experienced some already special team times/moments and have been amazed at how we have "clicked" and have been vulnerable with each other. As one of the team leaders, I have definitely been blessed by seeing this unity come together. So please pray that it continues to flourish as we continue to experience the body of Christ lived out.

As everyone who has been on a missions trip has experienced, we have definitely faced a lot of opportunities to practice the spiritual discipline of flexibility. :)
And the main reason why we have needed to be so flexible, is because the MB Conference of India is celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Mennonite Brethren. I AM SO EXCITED!!!! This Sunday, we are going to Jedcherla to celebrate with close to 2,000 expected attendees. WHAT AN AMAZING PRIVILEGE AND HONOR!!! Please pray for the MB churches here in India as they celebrate what God has done and especially pray that we are an ecouragement and blessing to them as we join them in celebrating our history!

I hope that I am able to put up some pictures and/or videos soon, but at this point, I don't really know if that will happen before I get home. But I do promise to post some awesome pictures and videos once I get back! :)

To whoever is praying for me and our team...........thank you. I can't say that enough. We know that God has big plans for our team and for what He has ahead of us while we're here in India, and you are a vital part of that.

Blessings and much love to all of you!

In Christ,

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